HCA NEWS Thomas Helmig appointed HCA Ambassador

Danish singer and songwriter Thomas Helmig has been appointed Danish Hans Christian Andersen Ambassador.

By ms - H.C. Andersen 2005 - 26 October 2004

Thomas Helmig has joined ranks with other great Danish and international names who have been appointed Hans Christian Andersen Ambassadors, such as the Chilean author Isabel Allende, who was recently appointed at Rosenborg Castle, and the British actor Sir Roger Moore, the Brazilian soccer legend Pelé and many more.

Thomas Helmig is to seek to promote the wider awareness and appreciation of Hans Christian Andersen as well as the HCA-abc Foundation, which is a humanitarian foundation established in the name of Hans Christian Andersen with the aim of addressing illiteracy worldwide. Thomas Helmig was presented with the official Hans Christian Andersen pin and the official Hans Christian Andersen Ambassador diploma designed by Danish designer Lin Utzon.
