HCA NEWS HCA2005 celebration in China

Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen appoints Chinese Hans Christian Andersen Ambassadors at major presentation of Hans Christian Andersen 2005 in Beijing on 27 February 2004.

By Mikkel Stjernberg - H.C. Andersen 2005 - 13 February 2004

China will feature prominently in the worldwide celebration of the 2005 bicentenary of the birth of Hans Christian Andersen. A whole host of major projects will be featured in China during the bicentenary, including motion pictures, TV features, exhibitions, concerts, new translations, a musical and a number of visiting Danish and international co-productions.

These major Chinese bicentenary celebrations will be presented at a press conference, organised by the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing and the Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation in partnership, to be held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 27 February 2004.

 Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who will be conducting an official visit to China from 24-28 February 2004, will host the press conference, which is expected to draw considerable attention in the Chinese media. At the press conference, the prime minister will appoint a number of the most prominent personalities within the arts in China as Hans Christian Andersen Ambassadors, whose task will be to promote the wider awareness and appreciation of Hans Christian Andersen in China.

At the press conference, Secretary General of the Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation Lars Seeberg will present the Chinese Hans Christian Andersen projects in collaboration with representatives from the institutions and production companies involved. Additionally, producer Katharina Ronnefeld from the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra will present a grand Hans Christian Andersen concert tour of China during the bicentenary.

Last but by no means least, the press conference will feature the presentation of the official Hans Christian Andersen dinner service, designed by Danish artist Lin Utzon and produced by Rosendahl. The Chinese Hans Christian Andersen Ambassadors will be the first to receive this official present from the Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation to all its Ambassadors.
